CPEs, PDUs, & College Credits

Professional Development Units (PDUs)

The Project Management Institute requires that a PMP® earn at least 60 professional development units (PDUs) every three years in order to maintain certification. FMG/FMI has been reviewed and recognized by PMI® as a Global Registered Education Provider (provider #1204). Attendance at selected FMG/FMI courses—including our e-training courses is an excellent way of earning PDUs. Each hour of scheduled classroom participation qualifies for one PDU. (Note: 1 CEU = 10 PDUs).

To report PDUs, you will need to report them online on the PMI® website or submit a PMP Professional Development Activities Reporting form directly to PMI®. This information can be found at www.pmi.org.

For online reporting, use the Quick Link “Claim/View PDUs” provided on the PMI® Certification web page.
Once logged in, proceed by selecting “Category 3: Registered Education Provider program” from the drop-down menu.
Click “Continue” to complete online reporting of PDUs for FMG/FMI programs. Beside the “Find Program” button, enter 1204 in the first box for FMG/FMI’s provider ID, and the program ID for the course attended in the second box. For a public course program ID, use the six-letter course code as found in FMG/FMI’s catalog, web site or course confirmation letters. Be sure to omit the hyphen (i.e. PM021001).

For an onsite course program ID (tailored courses delivered specifically for our clients), use the last three letters of the FMG/FMI onsite course code (i.e. FPM). No need to be concerned if the resulting course title displayed does not exactly match that of the course you attended. Complete the PDU reporting by providing the requested information on the online form.

For PDUs earned in public courses, a list of courses and program IDs are available for selection. To access this list, enter “FMG/FMI” beside the “Find Provider” button on the R. E. P. search page. Select “The Federal Market Group/The Federal Market Institute 1204”. Select the appropriate course title and program (the six-letter FMG/FMI course code) from the program list displayed, and provide the additional information requested on the online form.

For assistance with program IDs or associated PDUs, contact FMG’s Office at (540) 428-8562. For more information on PMI®’s Professional Development Program and maintenance of PMP certification, visit PMI®’s web site at www.pmi.org.

ACE College Credit Recommendations

strategic-partners-fmgA number of The Federal Market Group/The Federal Market Institute‘s core Contract Management, core Project Management, Procurement, and core e-Training courses have been evaluated and recommended for college-level credit hours by The American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service (CCRS). If you are currently enrolled or are considering enrolling in an undergraduate degree program, you have the opportunity to apply your FMG/FMI education towards an academic degree. ACE offers all those who are eligible an official transcript of their FMG/FMI courses. The ACE Transcript is the official document colleges and universities would use to facilitate the transfer of the credit hours. The ACE Transcript also assists those who already posses a college education. By obtaining an ACE Transcript, you will be documenting successful completion of curriculum that may be central to your employment or professional certification. For more information, read below or contact FMG’s Office (540) 428-8562.

Acceptance of ACE Credit at Your Institution The ACE/CREDIT’s recommended credit hours for FMG/FMI’s courses are shown on the course description pages within the Web site and in FMG/FMI’s course catalogs. Your college or university representative can tell you whether these recommended credits can be applied toward your undergraduate degree. Please note that the acceptance of ACE/CREDIT recommendations is at the discretion of each academic institution. If your school is unfamiliar with ACE/CREDIT, have them contact ACE’s Advocacy Program, +1 (202) 939-9434.

ace-credit-logoTo Join the ACE Student Registry ACE now offers online registration. To receive an ACE transcript for the FMG/FMI courses you have attended, you must first register at ACE’s registration site at https://www.acenet.edu/transcripts/register/.

Throughout the registration process, you can log in to the ACE Registration site to view the status of your request, access your complete file, and then order your ACE Transcript. Back to Top About ACE/CREDIT ACE/CREDIT has evaluated and made credit recommendations for thousands of college-level courses offered by hundreds of organizations, including corporations, federal agencies, labor unions, and voluntary and professional associations. A team of faculty members and administrators from accredited colleges and universities follow stringent guidelines (established by the ACE Commission on Adult Learning and Educational Credentials) to assess the various forms of education and training that these organizations conduct. The work of the team often culminates in college credit recommendations.

Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C)

dau-logo-2In accordance with Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letter 05-01, civilian agencies shall follow the training curriculum established by the Department of Defense (DOD). Core courses must be provided by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) or be considered DAU-equivalent courses. This Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) FAC-C program, presented by The Federal Market Group, is based on the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA} requirements for certification at the junior, intermediate, and senior levels to reflect the need for an individual to meet increasingly more rigorous standards for education, training, and experience throughout his or her career.

Current FMG FAC-C Curriculum:

CON 100 – Shaping Smart Business Arrangements
CON 216 – Legal Considerations in Contracting
CON 360 – Contracting for Decision Makers

CPE Credits

ncma-logoScMI/FMG/FMI is a registered Education Provider of the National Contract Management Association‘s (NCMA) Contract Management Learning Center (CMLC), a virtual community for learning, dedicated to the professional development of private and public contract management professionals. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours will be awarded to individuals who attend any of our courses that apply. Please check the course descriptions in the Course Catalog. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours may be earned in several different ways. Attendances at university or college courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences are some of those ways.